Tuesday, February 15, 2011

It so sad to see how a fire can destory so much.

These pictures below are from a fire that burned down a company called the Betty K Shipping. I was watching our news last night and they were telling us about the company itself. It was the first shipping company to ship out of here and to Miami and to the other islands.
Plus they were saying how the ships came in to visit but some didn't even get off of them.
This pictures came from a friend of mine here, Veda. When ever there is a news story and pictures, she send them to me and others to just let us see what happens.
It was a sad day yesterday. To see this land mark being distoried. I was told this was like the Straw market burnt down in 2001. That really was a bad news for the visitors, that is pretty much where every one that comes to Nassau, want to go shopping. I know this will not be as much as that was. But over all it still will hurt down town for a while.
At this time they are not sure what happen or how it started. The good news was no one got hurt.

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