Thursday, April 25, 2019

Folks I have been very busy with work and other things going on.

This is Bill and Roy just talking about stuff. Mean while Roy and I trimmed his back tree branches. There was many to trim. 
Had made a $25.00 each.

Helped load a U Haul Truck for Mary Ann and her son Paul. She is moving back to North Caroline> She packed up her stuff about 6 months ago and moved here. But as her time was going by, she really was not having as much fun as she thought, would have happen. 
Here made a couple of bucks too. 

This has been a work project now for over three to four mouths. This is Roy's brother Richie. he wants  new counter top and put on new doors on the cabinets. Over all trying to remodel his kitchen.  

Over all got the old sink out and started putting in the new counter top. Richie is building it out of Tongue and Groove. It will really look shape and clean. 

This is Beverly She wants her bathroom floor redid with a  stick tiles.
Could be a problem. Sometimes these babies don't stick. Maybe even come up? 

It came out looking pretty good. There were two tile at the doorway that would not stay down. So we put a couple of bricks on the tiles plus used some glue too. Prayerfully they will stay down and all is well. 
I am sorry for not keeping up on here. Likes I said I have been very busy and I look on and say I will get to it. 
I really hope and pray you all had a wonderful Easter and I will be sharing some pictures from that the nest week of so. 

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Okay still moving forward, this is June 10th Universal Volcano Bay.

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