Sunday, April 08, 2007

Hey, I am in the writing mode

Well folks I pray that your Easter was a beautiful time to reflex on what He has been doing in your life. This morning we at the ALC had a chance to have our own Sonrise Service. It was a great time of worship and hearing our Pastor Chet teach on the power of the Son. He was using the sun that we have each and every day of our lives. He talked about how we could set a clock to the time it raise and sets. Just like our Lord Jesus Christ. He is there right on time. We think it is not fast enough or He is not listening to us. But He is always. The time is running out BUT He will show up and you will see some amazing things happen. The area that we were in is 1 Corinthians 15:1- 8. This area is about how there was 513 people that saw Jesus after He rose from the dead. Then just think how if it was a lie, to keep all of them on the same page. Saying yes Jesus rose and yes to all the other things that He did. Then be willing to dead for a LIE. I don’t think I would even do something like that. So by reading and studding His Word you can see and understand way we do what we do. It is all about Him and what He did for us. Please reflex on your lives and see ALL that He has blessed you with. Just enjoy your time on this earth and look forward in what is a head. Please folks, I am asking you ALL to look at your lives and PRAISE Him for all. Then look at how many times He has gotten you out of trouble or a thing you thought was the end. He does LIVE and He is right next you now. Thank Him for all and enjoy this day.

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Okay still moving forward, this is June 10th Universal Volcano Bay.

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