Saturday, April 28, 2007

Prayer Needs

Last Thursday morning Pastor Dan and his family were traveling near downtown, Nassau. During that time he noticed some noises in the front end. Whiling driving he noticed again another noise and then the steering started being hard to drive. He called me and asks what I thought it could be. I really was not sure, but I told him about a garage around the corner where he was at. So he drove there ( in prayer) and right after pulling in the driveway, the steering stopped working all together. He told me that he could spin the steering wheel, without any force at all. He got out and saw the engine lying on the ground. The main frame that holds the engine in place gave way and there it sits. You can see the picture about what has happen. The guy there told Pastor Dan that he could not repair it. Plus he said in all of his years (40) working on cars and trucks, he has ever seen anything like this.
My prayer requests are, we need another car and truck to be able to do God’s work here. All we have now is the buses (3) and a Jeep (for the staff to use). So if anyone wants to go somewhere or what ever. There are no means. So PLEASE keep it in prayer. I thank you in advance.

Okay still moving forward, this is June 10th Universal Volcano Bay.

As I am getting older this is more my style. Relaxing and enjoyable. We went down this Lasy River two different times. I think each time was...