Friday, April 13, 2007

The Men's Bible Study

The picture that you see above is the men that come out on Saturday morning (6:30am). Our main focus on this is to raise leaders in our church. These guys have been doing this for many years. The men that you see are not all of them. It is a funny thing about that. Some mornings we have 6 to 9 and other days 10 to 13. Well enough about them. The study that we are working on is called, Cross Cultural Missions. We have been talking about missions now for about 6 weeks. The reason I am telling you about this one subject is to show why I am here in the Bahamas. To be able to live and share my life with another cultural. I know we don’t think the Bahamas is another one, but it is. The way of life around is a lot differ than back in Florida. Remember this nation is only 33 years old. Not like the States 231 years old. They have come a long way but there is so much more for them to do. I have talked about the roads and the signs before. I know it is a small part but if you are driving along and there is no signal light working, they don’t use the stop and go way. Their plains are to just drive threw. Like I told you before about there stop signs, there is a yield sign inside of the stop sign. So full stop does not happen. Like I said before this is only a small diffence. So during our study I get a chance to hear what the men think of the things around here and then I get to put my two cent in. So the study is very much part of my life here. So please if you believe God is calling you out to mission field, remember the place you live is just has important to share the Gospel as any other country. Please keep the Bahamas in prayer; this next month is the time they will be doing their politics. This is an election year and it will be happening May 2. So please pray for peaceful and ordering time.
Hey if you every have questions about why I am here or you just want to know more about this place, PLEASE e mail me at,
Thank you for your prayers and listening.

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