Tuesday, October 19, 2010

This last week has been a busy one.

You know when you start working by yourself, there is really no time to take pictures. You get going doing this and then you say, oh I could have taken a picture of that, then walk away and say I do it later.
A group came (Calvary Fort Lauderdale)in on Thursday last week and boy there was a lot of items to get cleaned and ready for them. The girls stayed in the camp house, which just needed the bath room cleaned. Plus sweep the the floor and moped it.
Then the back apartment, behind the Dinning Hall, needed some work too. The toilet was leaking. So I had to take it out and redo the bolts in the back in the tank. The they leaked too. Had to redo that again, okay now. Mopped and just straighten up, make it look some what nice.
The Bath House was my big one to get cleaned. The toilets there had broken seats, toilets leaking, two of them. Then the shower area. That was a mess. You know when you don't use it the mildew just grows. The shower curtains I replaced too. That took me three days to get that place cleaned up. By God's grace they really didn't need the Bath House at this time. I just wanted it to look nice and I thought this is a good time to get it back in order.
Yesterday was our day off. the reason was we did a Fun Day last Monday, which was a holiday too. We had children coming in all last week, so we could not shut down for a day. Yesterday we didn't have any kids coming in, so we were closed. I just refilled the holes that Patmos dug while here last term. Plus burned some junk that has been building up for a while too. Then went over to Billy's house for a nice diner. So yesterday was a day to do some but not to hard to do.
Today I hope to finish working on the fence around the front of the Camp. You know put rocks around so dogs can't get in. Plus put the tarp back up that the wind blew it apart a couple of weeks ago. It looks like rain, if it does, there is always things to clean in the store rooms.

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Hello again, going to talk about the old shed in back.

When I started this project, I really was just thinking of running 12 wires to the back and hooking it up and let it alone. But as I have a ...