Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Another Job Well Done.

Hey out there in the big world. I want to share a story about a Men's Group I am part of. We meet every Saturday Morning at 6:30 am. During this time we are doing a Bible study. This last month we are in the Book of Jame. In there in Chapter 1:27 talks about how as a body of Christ, we are to help out the orphans and widows that are having problems with making ends meet or even troubles. So during the last month, the men of this group have been helping a lady out with a holy roof. They started two weeks ago, by ripping off the old roof and these last couple of days we put on the singles. So the picture you see above is our finished work for the Lord and for her too.
Now I have some really GOOD NEWS for you all. Lori Deibel a friend of mine, from Calvary FTL. Well she has been going through a LOT in this last year. She had cancer of the breast. Which she had to loss both of them to stop the cancer from going any farther. But Later week she was told by the doctor that there was some spots on her bones and it could very well be more cancer. BUT by OUR prayers and encouragement. Our Lord has save the day. The test came back NEGATIVE. and boy is she relieved. Thank you so much for your prayers and e mails to her. She really does THANK each and everyone of you out there. Thanks.

Hello again, going to talk about the old shed in back.

When I started this project, I really was just thinking of running 12 wires to the back and hooking it up and let it alone. But as I have a ...