Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Hello all,

I have been asked to work in the area, (which when I came) was to run the Camp and scheduling. I am looking forward in getting back into doing that. My only problem is I am still the maintenance guy too. The family I told you about (three months ago) well they are still on their way here, but the paper work is still on someone desk in Immigration. So at this time they are not a loud to come into the country until the paper work is complete. So PRAY for the paper work to be completed. I really am looking forward in seeing this family, Dave the dad is the one to run our maintenance department. He has been doing that kind of ministry for years at a collage. Sorry not sure which one. But I know the size is not a little one. Suppose to have about 750 acres. So PLEASE pray for this to all take place in the near future. I know my Lord will not give me more than I can handle.
Okay now getting back into the Camp thing is fun. I get to pick the groups up and take them to differ places and just be a guild for them. The Camp Director, Jen Repaci is back in Ft Lauderdale trying to get her paper work worked out too. You can come over here for 90 days but anything over that you need papers to stay here. So that is another prayer request too. It could be two to three or even more for her paper work to get done. So folks you have a couple prayer requests now and I look forward in seeing what He has planned. So thank you for your prayers and if you have prayer requests Please let me know and I can pass them on to others.

Hello again, going to talk about the old shed in back.

When I started this project, I really was just thinking of running 12 wires to the back and hooking it up and let it alone. But as I have a ...