Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I am so excedied to see below.

This last summer two guys came over here to video tape our place. While here they video ALC and ALC Camp, plus a shot of All Saints Camp too, The woman holding up her hands to praise Jesus is Miss Moxey. She has been at the ASC now for many years. Every time I go over that way, I have to stop in and see her. She has no way of getting around, except a wheel chair, but every time she is saying praises to God and Jesus Christ. I look at her and ask God when I feel alone or upset about anything, PLEASE let Your Name be praised, just like Miss Moxey.
I so glad to be able to show now to my friends and family all we do here at the ALC. I know my picture was not in there, but there were a lot of people that have worked so hard and their pictures were not in there ether.
I am so blessed to say and be part of this ministry. We have been told that this video will be shown on our TV stations here in the Bahamas. So my prayer is we can get more folks out here to help us and be blessed too.
Starting this fall we will be short many staff members. The reason is we all have been called to service Him and when our time is up. We move on to the next step that He wants. So maybe God has been tugging on your heart to be a missionary???????

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Okay we made to Orlando and all checked in and ready to enjoy our time.

It was near the end of the day. So, let's take a bus to Universal City Walk?  It's really neat how they have set this place up. Univ...