Monday, August 30, 2010

These are a couple of things I have been doing.

The first picture is a old friends, Charlie, Julie and Louse. I have known these friends for over 14 years. I was part of their Bible study and we use to do a lot of things together. I spent Sunday after noon just sitting around and getting caught up a little. They are doing well and it sure was nice to just talk to them.
The next pictures you see are at a park in Coconut Creek Park. Look at the sign above, It saids no animals aloud in park. You see just in ten mintues sitting there two families with dog walked right by the sign and not even think about what it said.
Then the last of pictures are of the guys I work along side at Adventure Learning Centre. Ed is the one on the left side, Andrew next to him. Ed is the one that set this up to tile the floor in our Media Centre. It sure is going to be nice at the end. We have had carpet in that room since they started this place. The carpet so worn out. So this tile is a blessing and will be easy to take care of it.
Okay I am here in Fort Lauderdale, Fl. I have been staying at Dennis and Donna's home in Deerfeild Beach, Fl. I am sorry but I don't think about pictures when we are just sitting around and talking or even watching TV. I promise I will get one or two before I leave.
Now my plan is to drive up to Tampa on Wednesday morning and spend some time with my cousins. I really am looking forward in seeing them. It has been since my dad's funeral (2002) I have seen them.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Hey Bro...sounds like you chillin a lot man!!! Das a good ting. We all need it now and then. Have a nice trip to Tampa and drive carefully.

    I guess it ain only Bahamians who don't obey da signs eh????
    Keep safe...


Okay still moving forward, this is June 10th Universal Volcano Bay.

As I am getting older this is more my style. Relaxing and enjoyable. We went down this Lasy River two different times. I think each time was...