Sunday, August 08, 2010

Just a quit story.

Like I was talking about Harri below. He has a full time job over seeing a paint store here, called The Paint Place. I would see Harri at church and he told me a while back if I needed his help on any thing, give him a shout. Which I did a while back. So Harri has been a really blessing for me and just to have someone to talk with during the hot part of the day is SOOOOO neat. You know he could just stay home and do some thing around is house or even just chill. But he comes out and works are along side me, Fridays.
Harri's wife Carol is going in couple of weeks to get her wrist work on, so please if you think of her, say a pray or two.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Thanks man for the very kind words. It's a great blessing for me too to be able to help you and being with you is fun too.

    After all, we are to be like JESUS right? Keep safe man.


Okay still moving forward, this is June 10th Universal Volcano Bay.

As I am getting older this is more my style. Relaxing and enjoyable. We went down this Lasy River two different times. I think each time was...