Monday, August 16, 2010

This is a story about a gentlemen that lives at the All Saints Camp, here in Nassau

Well friends, back from another amazing week in the Bahamas. Our team of 23 was stretched in many ways, but most important, there were 3 new converts and 5 baptisms. Heaven is having a party!!!!
I wanted to share with you all something that I took home with me the 2 weeks I was there.
My family of 5 arrived in Nassau on July 29. We had a special date set aside that Friday to take out one of the residents to the beach. Garvin Ward had been waiting for this day for a few months. He has not been to the beach in over a year and he was really looking forward to this day. We were all so excited to have him out and about.
We went to his room that morning and he was ready and waiting in his swim trunks. He kicked his legs around and gave a smile that could outshine the brightest star. Let's go to Goodmans Bay he said. We picked him up and wheeled him out to the car, and off we went. He was laughing and smiling the whole way. Michael Jackson's song Human Nature was on the radio and Garvin kept singing why why all the way down Gladstone road. We were all entertained. I thought he sung it way better than Michael.
We arrived at the beach and put Garvin in his chair. I turned to grab sun block for him and within 15 seconds, Garvin slipped off the chair and fell almost under water. We were all scared including Garvin. We picked him up and wheeled him out to the water in his wheelchair. He could not sit up in his beach chair, but the wheelchair seemed to work for him.
Though this was only a split second, Garvin showed that he was stressed. He was scared that he could have drowned, and he did not look like he was having a good time at that moment.
During this time I sat with Garvin and tried to calm things down for him, and wouldn't you know, God had sent an angel to do just that. A seven year old girl walked up to us and stared at Garvin. She was looking at him and wondering why his body was disfigured the way it was. She then asked.......why is he like that? I started to speak, but Garvin wanted to answer the question. He said .....I have Cerebral Palsy. The little girl was sent from God. She said to Garvin...You were made perfect. God is going to make a miracle in your life. I know it because He just told me so. Garvin smiled and said to the little just made my day, what is your name? The little girl said, my name is Candy, and I am going to church this week to pray just for you.
This little girl named Candy made a huge impact on our day. Just when Garvin needed a touch from God, He sent Candy, and gave Garvin just what he needed to get through the rest of his day.
I imagine that God sends people like Candy our way each day. Are we listening, or are we missing our blessing?
God is so good!!! Look for your Candy that God is sending each and every day.

Love and blessings,

Colleen Colella

1 comment:

  1. Wow! God has an angel named Candy, that's for sure!


Okay still moving forward, this is June 10th Universal Volcano Bay.

As I am getting older this is more my style. Relaxing and enjoyable. We went down this Lasy River two different times. I think each time was...