Friday, April 15, 2011

This is a thank you, sent out.

It is so neat to see how our Lord provides for us each and everyday. Last week Tim and I were talking about how things break around here and then we need to buy new sometimes. If you have been with me for any time here or on my blog. I know I have shown and talked about the cost of items here. The reason is pretty simple: They buy it in the states and ship it over here then they have to pay the duty on it and then would like to make a couple of buck off of it. It all sounds good. But the cost is up there. I am only using one example.
The main drill that we use here at the ALC is battery. But we do use a electric one every once and while. Well two weeks ago, our old drill stopped working. I went out to price a new here, $189.00 a DeWalt. I saw Tim the following day and told him about it. He asked if there would be any one coming over in the next week or so? I told no. He then said oh yeah my folks are coming this week. So Tim asked them and they said no problem. Well yesterday they came in and GIVE me a brand new DeWalt plus some other items we need before.
So my story is, our Lord provides. You have to ask and He will provide.

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