Friday, May 18, 2007

Hey folks I am sorry for not writing sooner. This last week has been a busy one. You might not all know this, but Pastor Dan, my boss, has decide to move to Hungry (spelling) So this last week I have been on my own. We got our self a new roommate and then Sunday two guys from Pa. came in. The roommate name is Edward. He is from New Jersey. Really nice guy and loves the Lord. Gray and Garnette from Pa. they came in to work on our new bath house, plus another famly home. With needed to be redone. The plumber before now just didn't have a clue on what we wanted and did his own thing. So we needed to tare out the old pipe and relay it. Boy it sure was a big job and the neat thing is it even looks like the plains show. Is that not some good news. I wish I could send some pictures but my computer is not letting me do that. I have asked for help from the people that do the picture thing. They have told me to do this and that. But sorry to say still no go. So maybe by next week we can send them. I know that it is a big thing you all love to see. I know it is not my writing you look for. Pictures are so good in showing what I am trying to say. So pray that I can start sending pictures again next week. Okay I need to get going now and I will keep you all in the loop. May our Lord bless your weekend and just have some fun. Bye.

Okay we made to Orlando and all checked in and ready to enjoy our time.

It was near the end of the day. So, let's take a bus to Universal City Walk?  It's really neat how they have set this place up. Univ...