Monday, May 07, 2007

Hey remember I told you I would tell you about the Unity Home?

Hi, these are some the people that live here at the Unity House. I have the honor each and every Thursday to go in and do a Bible study. It is so neat to be able to read to them and ask questions. At first I use to read a chapter, example, Book of James. I would read a couple of verses and then go to other places of the Bible where the you can relate to what he was saying. Example: In verse 1 James is calling himself a Bond servant. So you go to Deuteronomy 15:16. Which this area is talking about what a slave that has gotten free from his master and he would love to stay and still work for him. So now by doing this he has become a bond servant. While doing it this way I was loose them and they just would listen but never ask questions. I was talking over their heads. So now I use this Children Bible (with pictures) and read one area and then ask questions. It has been a learning excepts for me.
The sad part about all this is, they sit under this carport all day long. There is no TV, they have a stero now. But most of the time they just sit and sleep around on the sofas. So I am asking for prayer, that more people would come and visit them and even take some of them out for a ride or whatever. Well I need to get going now. Bye

Okay still moving forward, this is June 10th Universal Volcano Bay.

As I am getting older this is more my style. Relaxing and enjoyable. We went down this Lasy River two different times. I think each time was...