Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Hey our neighbors dropped by.

I am sorry to say, yes they have been back. They broke out the front windshield and went through the glove box last week. So this week was the need for a radio and the (both ) side mirrors. Folks I really not sure what we need to do to stop them. The police came and took finger prints and pictures. This problem is starting to get out of hand. It is the question what will be next? We as a staff have talked about cameras, guard dogs and even hire a security company. This all takes money that we don't have to spend. The cameras go for $2000. 00, the dog could cost $ 1500.00, then the guard would be even more. I have talked with other people that have had the same problems. Everyone said about the same. The things you are loosing, are they worth putting that kind of money into it. I believe maybe the cameras are the best idea. The dog could be poisoned, the guard way too much money. So if anyone out there has a idea, please pass it on to me so we can stop it now. We all know prayer is the main focus and He can do it all. Thank you again.

Okay still moving forward, this is June 10th Universal Volcano Bay.

As I am getting older this is more my style. Relaxing and enjoyable. We went down this Lasy River two different times. I think each time was...