Thursday, June 12, 2008

Hey I am back HOME here in the Bahamas.

Yes folks my time away was very interesting. My mom is coming along, she has been using her walker and that alone is a blessing. You know as well as I, when you give up walking, using a wheelchair all the time. You just don't want to walk again. By God's grace is walking and getting around the house. She has been out of the house three time during my stay, you know shopping. Good Will, Save Lot and other stores. There is still a prayer request for her. During this time I have noticed she memory is not to good any more. motor skills have slowed way down. So if you think of me or her prayer is very much still needed.
I am so glad I had a chance to see some of you guys, during my time there. I know I missed out with a few of you. Near the end of my time there I really wanted to spent time with her and just chill out. I look back at this trip as a time get get re changed and try to connect with more people. Only He know what will happen with that.
I do want to say thank you every one that gave me their time and fellowship. I will be back in town, maybe around Christmas. So PLEASE if you guys want to talk or just find out more about what I have been doing. Feel free to E mail at
I will write about some of the trip next time. Looking at the pictures I took, NOT. I wanted to get pictures of my friends, but I just didn't think of it. Next time.

Hello again, going to talk about the old shed in back.

When I started this project, I really was just thinking of running 12 wires to the back and hooking it up and let it alone. But as I have a ...