Friday, January 09, 2009

We here at the ALC tings happening.

Yes yesterday we were visited by a couple of guys. Vick and his helper, Carlos. They were here to help us change out our bee hive. We have had a bee hive here for many years. But by looking at the picture you can see it has grown and you really can't see what is going on inside there. So Vick came to help us out. The pieces you see on the floor are what the bees will be living in. Instead of that big old barrel. Plus we will be able to control their honey and just be able to see all that they do as bee' s do. Just listening to Vick and Laura, (staff here), they were telling us all about them and all that they do. I could start to tell you too, but I would not have all the facts right. So if you want to learn about bees, check it out yourself on the web pages.
It sure is neat to see how God has made them and all of what you do too. The body suits are ours and Laura and staff will be the bee keepers. So down the road I will keep you inform about more that is going on. I would show you the new hive but yesterday ran short and Vick told us he would be back today to finish moving them. He told us that around 2 to 3 pm they all come back to the hive after working all day long. So he was concern about all that will be needed to move them. So today I hope to get more pictures.

Hello again, going to talk about the old shed in back.

When I started this project, I really was just thinking of running 12 wires to the back and hooking it up and let it alone. But as I have a ...