Thursday, February 19, 2009

The pictures below.

All these people are good friends of mine. That right I do have some friends????? Sorry about the shot of Billy, he is the one in the roses. You can see him and his new daughter under the first one. Tuesday night Billy and Lea asked Bob and Faye and myself over for dinner. It really was a nice time to get caught up and Bob and Faye had a chance to connect too. I think it is so neat to hear all that is going on in Billy's family life. You know he has not had a job since the summer? But our Lord has been very faithful to him and his family. I ask him how is it going? He tells me God has been paying the bills and that pretty much sums it up. Our Lord is into taking care of us and we just need to trust His plan and fly along side and thank Him each day for what He has given us. Billy was a teacher at one of the Christian schools here, but during the summer the school made other plains and Billy job was filled by another person. The really funny part is Billy still goes over there and helps them out. I really think our Lord looks down and said GOOD and FAITH FULL SERVANT. Billy has been looking for a teaching job, but right now he can stay home and work on his house and help his wife with the new baby. I love this guy and I ask for prayer for him and his family. One of these days that job will come around.

Okay still moving forward, this is June 10th Universal Volcano Bay.

As I am getting older this is more my style. Relaxing and enjoyable. We went down this Lasy River two different times. I think each time was...