Sunday, March 28, 2010

What a great time last niight.

Yes I was on the Logo's Hope, ship. This get together was put on for pretty much any one that has been part of Adventure Learning Centre. Randy was our DJ. The night started out with a small amount of crew members dressed up in their native dress. The reason I say small,is there are over 500 missionaries on this ship. From over 45 countries. I have seen their show before when I was on the Logo's II. They will have ad least one person from each country. They dress in their native clothes and give their names and what country they are from.
The Lord showed us last night about how Randy and his family have been so much part of this island. There was about 10 people that shared how and why they were there last night. It all comes down to how God used this place called ALC using people just like myself and others to in pack this island. There was about 20 students that were part of a church here, back 10 to 15 years ago. Some of them shared how Jesus was shown through Randy and friends. Now these students have families themselves and even children. It really was a night to reflex on God and His hand working through this island with the youth. It is still happening here and it will not stop until He has finished His work.

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