Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Byron is a guy that helps out Missionaries through out the world.

I have been on the mission field now for 4 1/2 years. June 2 will be 5 years. I have been so blessed to be here at The Adventure Learning Centre. My main ministry is to keep this place running. You know like the buses and other vehicles. Plus if something breaks I have the chance to fix it. Which means I can not get paid for being here. Work permit's are needed and cost money. I just want to servive my Lord and do His will here. Enough on that.
Now Byron came over to help us out. January of this year we had to change the way we collect our funds. The reason is ALC has been doing now since they started many years ago. But it really has been a lot of hard work and paper work that has been changed by our USA Government. Before we where called self employed, that means we get a #1099 form for our taxes. They now want us to receive a W-2 form. So Shepard's Staff as come a broad to help us out. Byron has been part of them for the last couple of years. His main ministry is to show how they deal with our funds and how they will be there if we have any questions. I am not sure if you know this or not. As being a missionary, we have to pay taxes too. So Shepard Staff is the one that will collect our funds and do all of the paper work that is needed so we will not have to come up with a big clunk of money at the end of the year. They will take it out each month and at the end of the year, we might even get something back. If you remember last year at this time. I had to come up with $958.00 to pay my taxes. It really was not a good time to have to pay out that much at once.
Well I can tell you this, if any one out THERE wants to help out my ministry here At ALC. Please contact Byron at Shepard's Staff. (The web page is below)
http://shepsstaff.org. Tom Schafer account #4303. Plus if you have any question on anything to do with my ministry, PLEASE e mail me at toms@alcbahamas.org

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Okay we made to Orlando and all checked in and ready to enjoy our time.

It was near the end of the day. So, let's take a bus to Universal City Walk?  It's really neat how they have set this place up. Univ...