Wednesday, September 22, 2010

It sure good to be back in the loop

Yes I had a chance yesterday to pick up and drop off the children. In the morning I picked up 15 children at a Pre K school down town. On the way back to the Centre we sang songs and just had a nice time. Now during their time here they stayed at the Centre and had a good time with our staff.
Meanwhile Tim and I went down to the Camp and started tearing down the fence that was destroyed a couple of weeks ago. I am so happy to see how much we did. But during the time doing it, the John Deere decided to spring a leak. Yes the hoses are dry rotten. So the middle hose for the back bucket blew a hole.
Okay now at 1:30pm I had to take the kids back to their schools. So while gone. Tim kept on working. He is the one that pulled out all the old poles and got the fence back to where it is now. I am so blessed to have help like Tim. He is the one that did most of the hard work. When I got back we cleared the rocks out and now ready to get the poles in Friday, So Harri I pray you are ready and willing to get this job done? God willing. Today I need to get the hose repaired and put on the drill head and making sure it works.

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