Monday, December 05, 2011

Where do our tourist shop now

Last Friday, early morning a fire broke out at a building next to the old Straw market TENT. In this area there was about 8 to 10 straw vendors set up there plus their goods that they sell each day. I have not heard how and what happen about the fire. But they say they are looking into maybe some one starting it. Like I just told you not sure what happen.
I do know right next store is the New Straw Market. We have been told it is ready to open. But the sad part is WHEN. I know a couple of weeks ago while down there with my family and friends the women there selling things were telling me, they really want to get into the new market. By looking at the pictures I have taken while this place was being built. It really looks like it will be beautiful and I believe the tourist will love it too. Right after writing this I will put up some pictures of the NEW Market.
I ask for prayer for the vendors that don't have a place to sell their goods plus what ever they lost during this last fire here. Even one more prayer, that the tourist will keep on coming over here to the Bahamas. You know how it goes, if there is no place for them to shop, why come here.

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