Thursday, August 15, 2024

On August 3rd Jeanne and I were invited to a fun riser.

This is all about making some money for the 4 H members and volunteers. Yes, I think this is our second time here for this event.  
Jeanne's niece (Micheal and family) has been part for a while. So last year this cost us $100.00 for all this. But this year, Micheal's brother (Justen) bought a table and invited us, for free.  

I took these pictures while waiting in line to get in. Really nice set up and very friendly folks hanging out. 

These tables here are the ones that have items on them for the Silent Auction. Last year they had sign-up sheets to put your bid down. You know, write your name in and say $60.00 for that cooler. But they are using app on your phone to put your bid in. It's called Bid Beacon. Jeanne put a couple of bids in for somethings. But she was out bided. Which might be a good thing. Last Year I thought we brought home like six (6) items. As after we went thru what she got. Was kind of some nice things. Got a few gift cards and since we have used some of them. 

As we waited to get some food, we all just walked around and check out all the neat things that were for the Silent Auction. Then we got in line and got a nice steak, bake potato, green beans and nice roll. 
Had SWEET TEA AND UNSWEET. Most everyone drinks SWEET. We are from the south. 
I am not, I am from Rochester, New York. But lived in Florida sine 1984. So, I have been herein Florida for 40 years. 

We invited Kaden, Krisa, and Kashlyn to be our guest. I guess they didn't want me to take their picture. 
But we all had a wonderful time and hang out and just enjoy some fun and after we ate. They had the Live Auction. Now this auction I put $20.00 in a square on a board, to take a chance. It was for a 22 rife. I had a long range 22 when I was around 16 years old, or so? So, we have these squirrels and moles in back yard, and they love eating Jeanne's Mangos. So maybe if I hit one the rest will run away??? 
Oh, well I didn't win it anyway. 
Overall, we just enjoyed ourselves. We ate everything on our plates. Kind of wish I saved some for the next day. Oh well it's okay. 
Today I was reading in Acts 15-16. What I walked away in these verse was, Chapter15 Verse 9. 
He (GOD) made no distinction between us (Jews) and them (Gentiles) for He also cleansed their hearts through faith. 
What these two chapters are when Paul and Barnabas were on their first mission trip to Antioch and Syria. Some men from Judea arrived and began to teach the Christians, unless you keep the ancient Jewish customs of CIRCUMCISION taught by Moses you cannot be saved. 
Paul and Barnabas were sent to Jerusalem accompanied by some local believers to talk to the apostles and elders about this question. 
So, I believe there is no further discussion on this matter. 
My friends and family, I enjoy reading my Bible each morning and walking away knowing He talks to me. How about YOU? 


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Hello again, going to talk about the old shed in back.

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