Thursday, June 21, 2007

Good day all,

Well folks while I am staying for a couple more days, reason the funeral is Saturday morning. I went for a great bicycle ride yesterday. I rode to the Hillsboro train station. Got on the Tri rail and rode it south to the Metro Transfer station. Got off there and rode my bike down 79th Street, towards Miami Beach. Went over the JFK Causeway and rode through Miami beach and rode down to South beach on Collins Ave. While going down that way, I took a lot of pictures, just noticing how many places have chanced since my last trip. So the pictures you are seeing are the way it is now. Boy there is sure a lot of construction going all over that area. They tear down and build another building twice as tall. It sure was a good time to clear out my mind and focus on Him. I just enjoyed the time and while on the train talked with a couple of guys down and back up. If you have never ridden the Tri Rail. Please just go for a ride and I really think you will enjoy your time and even you’re saving of money. My trip from Deerfield to Metro was $7.75 round trip. During the weekend it is only $4.00 round trip. So if you have some spare time just take a ride and enjoy it. I will talk with you guys later on. I really am looking forward to how God is working this all out during my time here. So please keep my family in prayer for this Saturday morning is the funeral. It will be up in Winter Haven, Florida. We will be leaving tomorrow afternoon so we can get settled and not be running around, Saturday morning. Take care Tom

Hello again, going to talk about the old shed in back.

When I started this project, I really was just thinking of running 12 wires to the back and hooking it up and let it alone. But as I have a ...