Friday, June 01, 2007

Just stopping bye to say hello,

You might not believe this, but our neighbors have visited our Camp now. They decided they didn't like the way the windows in our Kai were. So they made some changes and to me I am very sick to see all they have done. I guess during their visit they needed to go into our Cottage, (storage) and do some shopping around. All they did in there was move things around and just make a mess. People we need your prayers and if you might have ideas on how to stop these visit. I would love to hear your plains. We have been looking at cameras and other things to watch them act out their deeds. I just don't understand why they think they can just do anything and not pay. We all know that our Lord is watching and He is keeping track of these things. So I know at the end of their lives He will deal with them. For now I just would like to have some peace on all that is going on. I know prayer works and we just need to trust in Him on all things. Like the Taurus, remember how they destroyed that? Well let us just give to our Lord and look for His wisdom and we will see His glory at the end. Take care and I pray all is well with you.

Hello again, going to talk about the old shed in back.

When I started this project, I really was just thinking of running 12 wires to the back and hooking it up and let it alone. But as I have a ...