Monday, October 29, 2007

This is what our Single's Ministry is doing

Hello all, It sure nice of you to stop by to say hello and check out what is going on. Well this last Saturday night we got togeter and talked about
Principles of ual Purity
This topic is pretty much on most singles lives. How and why we need to stay pure. The main reason is, God's Word said to.
1 Thessalonians 4:3 to 7 These verse are telling us that God has not called us for the purpose of impurity, but in sanctification.
There was so much information that Gus, the one that did the study for us. He gave us a hand out and boy it is full of the right and correct things as singles we all should be doing.
There is a verse that came to my mind during our time together , it is
2 Timothy 2:22, these verses talk of how we should flee from evil desires and full thoughts.
I just thought maybe there would be one person out there that needed to see this and I pray that they do. Please check out 1 Corinthians 6:12 to 20, too.
Please if you have any questions on this, PLEASE feel free to e mail me and I will try to give you some answers.
Hey if you are single, here in the Bahamas, please come out to our with us. Just e mail me and I will hook you up. You can be from another church, that doesn't matter at all. Just let me know.
May this day be the time that He shows and blesses you.

Hello again, going to talk about the old shed in back.

When I started this project, I really was just thinking of running 12 wires to the back and hooking it up and let it alone. But as I have a ...