Thursday, October 30, 2008

Good evening all.

Yes we are ready for our yearly board meeting. Every one was there tonight for a real nice dinner. The pictures you see above are of staff, staff of before,board members, family. Just a bunch of nice people. It was so good to come together and get some what caught up. Yes our man Randy Grebe came into our mitts this afternoon. If sure was neat to see him and just to talk a minute or so. I really am hoping to spend some time with him. But like all things, he is in demand. Every one wants to see how he is doing and family. Him and his wife, Kim and one daughter are on a ship called the Logges Hope. Right the ship is in Denmark, being built and remodeled. Randy and family are going to be part of this OM Missionary group. The ship should be done in about two to three months. then it will join the our two ships out at sea. I will write to you about the ship in another blog. this one is on the visit of our old staff and board members.

Okay still moving forward, this is June 10th Universal Volcano Bay.

As I am getting older this is more my style. Relaxing and enjoyable. We went down this Lasy River two different times. I think each time was...