Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Good morning all

This is a small note. If you read the article below, you will noticed some words missing. The reason for that is for safety. They are keeping words out that might not be good words to write about. I really think is is funny how the article that you are reading below, fits so much in what I am telling you. There is really is no free press any more. Please I know they are only trying to protect their site and I understand that too. Just enjoy the article below and let me know what you think of it. I really do want to hear from people that read it. I see that there has been over 1650 hits since I started counting in May of this year. So I know someone is reading this and I would love to hear from you.
E mail me at toms@alcbahamas.org

Okay still moving forward, this is June 10th Universal Volcano Bay.

As I am getting older this is more my style. Relaxing and enjoyable. We went down this Lasy River two different times. I think each time was...