Thursday, August 27, 2009

These last two weeks sure have been a blessing for me.

Yes the week is coming to a end. Friday afternoon Scott will be leaving to go back to Fort Lauderdale, Fl. Just to give you a up date on all we got done.
World Bus- Replace transmission, (it works)
Ocean Bus- Pulled head off and repaired with new head gasket, (it works)
Green Toyota- Problems running rough, Did a lot of things to this, found problem out with his dad's help. Coil was bad. ( it works)
Gelh (Bobcat)- Found out the starter was shorting out every thing, Not fixed yet? Need a new starter and funds are running low for this month. Should be back up during Sept.
One of our staff's car (Gio)- Had some troubles with the front end. Scott did that one. (it works)
Today I hope to finish up on every one of the vehicles oil changes. Yes maybe now starting next month I can be up to date on oil changes. Since I have been here I have been falling behind on them.
Over all I believe we got every thing fixed that was broken. I know today there might be something else that might break. But it sure is a great feeling to know that our vehicles are up and all running. At this time I want to say thank you to Pastor John and Billy, for letting us have Scott for these last two weeks. It really has been a BLESSING.
Now I want to say THANK YOU to Scott himself. I know there were times that we both scratched our heads and said why didn't that work? But by His grace we both can walk away now and say Thank you Jesus Christ for His wisdom and letting us have this time to become friends.

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