Sunday, May 30, 2010

Okay let me get you guys updated.

Friday afternoon, Debbie Bird has been seeing this small dog laying just out side our gate at the ALC. So she asked Sean to see if he was frending and if so, bring him back inside and let us see what happens. The poor guy was so sarced not knowing us, he would lay under the bushes and not come out. This morning I came in and he was so happy to see me. It really is nice to have a dog around and just knowing that he loves with out any reason. I miss having a dog but now we all have one. Not sure what our boss will say about it, Mark?
Then Friday night the staff got together and we ate some good old steak and chicken. Good food and fellowship.
Then Saturday morning I was driving out to see Monty at his home in Cable Beach and saw that the Straw Market was burnt down. I stopped and talk with a woman standing there and she was so sad,You can still see things that where in there at the time of the fire. If you are not sure what i am talking about? Well there are folks that make a living at this place each and every day of their lives. It has been in the family for many years and like I said this is their means to live and make money. So not sure what happen but I heard last night that they planed on moving it out of that area any way. There is a big contractor coming and to rebuild that whole area up and remodel it.
So now it is Saturday afternoon and we had Singles night. It was over at Michele home, it was neat to get together and just some fun and great food. We talked about Safe People. I will talk about this later on. I need to get going to church now.

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We in Orlando area still. driving towards Pensacola, Florida.

Not sure where I got the gas at.  I know it was a 7/11 gas station. I have their app. I saved (i think $.20 a gallon)  This was our hotel fo...