Wednesday, November 14, 2012

This a News Letter form a couple that work at the All saints Camp here in Nassau

If you would like to financially support us, please use our agency:
Shepherd’s Staff P.O. Box 53640 Albuquerque, NM 87153-3640
Mark your donation: Acct # 4302 Tim and Felicia Ryan
Or donate on line at
The storms in life…
~ Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. ~ 1 Cor. 13:7
We thank you for all of your prayers and support!
With Love, Tim and Felicia
Roads sand filled after the storm Main Electrical Pole and Panel Electrical team with “painting” wives
It is with great delight that the camp survived the storm of hurricane “Sandy” with no major damage! Join us as we thank God and we thank you for all for your prayers!
Over the years it has been a prayer of ours that one day the camp’s electrical wiring would be fully rewired as there was an array of wires hanging haphazardly throughout. This seemed like a huge project, but with God’s help it went very smoothly and the hazard no longer exist. This was a huge blessing with the strong winds of the hurricane. There were various teams who helped to make this happen. This summer all new poles were installed throughout the camp; then a team of tree trimmers “opened” the way by cutting and trimming trees; Once ready, a team of electricians came who rewired and removed the old wires, making it look like a simple task! We would like to thank everyone involved and Next Step Ministries for their financial backing of this project!
Sometimes storms are not due to weather, but because of the circumstances happening in our lives. Many of you know that for the past year we have been trying to help a single mother with her children. This past week Wooshalno and Richelle’s mother, Manette passed away. It has been a time of sadness as the children grieve with us and this has left them with uncertainty of who will be caring for them as she left no written instructions. We are praying that both the family and the government would allow them to continue living with us and that one day they would be put into our care fulltime and Lord willing, legally be our children.
You can watch a video of our ministry at:
Prayer Request
~ Praise God that the items needed for the electrical team was released from customs in time to do the work.
~ Pray for the children as they continue to grieve their mother’s death and attend the funeral in the days ahead. Pray for good memories of their mother, for their future, and for God’s love and peace in their lives.
~ Pray that the Lord leads us clearly and places the correct people into our lives to assist and advise us legally with the children. Pray that we have the words to help comfort them. We thank God for the privilege of being in their lives and being His arms to hold them. Thank God for His timing of sending our friend Linda to help.

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Hello everyone, well, I am moving forward on here. This are from June 15th to the 16th.

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