Friday, June 21, 2024

Okay still moving forward, this is June 10th Universal Volcano Bay.

As I am getting older this is more my style. Relaxing and enjoyable. We went down this Lasy River two different times. I think each time was about hour plus. 

We went into the pool here for about an hour or so. Our main reason for coming here was to relax and just get some sun. 

We were getting hungry and her we had lunch. We spit a pizza and a Cob Salad. 

Okay now we were talking about a little more action. So, we started up the steps and just enjoying the view. 

We are getting closer to the top. Jeanne asked me a few times. Are you sure? I am thinking maybe not. But then we talk about something else. 

Jeanne was watching the ride itself. I looked but didn't think anything else. Well, she was telling me that watch the people on the ride. Their heads are really jerking around. Maybe not go for our necks. Plus? 

Okay we are like thew four group to get into the raft. She asked one more time. I said maybe we shouldn't ride it. Meanwhile the message over the loudspeaker, was telling folks that have heart or problems, should not ride this. So, near the top, there is a place to turn around and go on back down.
So, right when we did that. A guy that works the ride, came behind us and asked if we were, okay?  Told him yes, we are. meanwhile he followed us all the way down. At the bottom he asked one more time, are you okay? I guess was a smart move for us. 

Well folks it really was a beautiful day to be in the water and just enjoying ourselves. 
As you walk around, we really didn't see anything else to do. So, we went down the Lazy River one more time.
Overall, our day was great, sun and relaxing and just enjoying our vacation and no stress at all. 
After the walk up to the top of the one ride, I decided to put my phone into a locker and just hang out with my beautiful wife. No more distractions. I think we went back into the pool in front of the volcano itself. It was very shallow and had some wave machine making them for us. Our day there was nice. 
Well, folks we are home now it's June 21st. We got home on Wednesday evening around 10pm. 
The reason we came home was, we are leaving for Sarasota, Florida, on Tuesday morning to get there and Jeanne has more classes to take. This is where we have been going for three years and last year's we didn't go, I think my baby had something else to do.
Well as we got home, there was some things we needed to get done. So, it's nice to get home again. Plus save some money on hotels.  
I will try to get somewhat updated on my blog during this time home. 
Hey, everyone out here, I am asking for prayers for friend. His name is Pastor Craig. This last couple of years he has been thru a lot. Medical and his wife's (Melanie) cancer. So, right now, he had cancer himself. The doctor think they got it all. But he needs to stay in bed for a while and just rest. he is not a man that like sitting around. 
Please keep him and his wife in prayer. They have a rough road ahead of them. Plus, their daughter is having a baby this next fall. 
I try not to watch the news. but folks there is a lot going on and I just ask that we keep seeking His face and He is right alongside of us. 
Jesus told him, I am the way, the truth, and the life. NO ONE COMES THE FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH ME. If you have known who I am, then you would have known who my Father is. From now on you know Him and have seen Him. John 14:6-7. 
Folks, we will see Him one day and, on that day, He will ask why should I leave you into heaven? 


Monday, June 17, 2024

Okay we made to Orlando and all checked in and ready to enjoy our time.

It was near the end of the day. So, let's take a bus to Universal City Walk? 

It's really neat how they have set this place up. Universal Studios, Universal Theme Park and Universal Islands Of Adventure and Volcano Bay are all at one aera. We were on way to Universal City walk. 

This is the place my baby wanted to have dinner at. there was a hour and half wait. So, we just kept walking. 

This is the pace we ended up at. We both had some good tasting hamburgers and fries, tater totes. The price wasn't really that high. Good food too. 

I know some of the pictures really didn't come out that great. But ad least you can see what I am trying to show. Well after eating we needed to start heading back to the buses. 

Have one more stop. 

I thought about buying this and then saw the next shirt.

We would have to buy both of them. Plus wear the same time. Oh, well really don't need to spend the money. 

Now this is a donut shop. Not really keen on the name. But bring glory ever where you go. 

Since we just finished eating, thinking I am not that hungry now. But we did buy two donuts. Got back on the bus and got back to the room with not even touching them. 
Okay now this really is our first night in Orlando. Got a great night of rest and woke up refreshed and ready to take the bus back to Volcano Bay. 
Well, folks I am falling farther behind on our days. But just to let you know what today is. June 17th. 
I am not sure if you know this, but I try each morning to read ad least two chapters of my Bible. The real neat thing is I am almost done reading the Old Testament. Which it seems like it's all about judgment. But I am ready to read about HIS LOVE next. The New Testament is around the corner. 
My prayer is that we as believers are seek His Face and Word each and everyday day. 
Oh, one thing is that each and every one that reads my blog KNOWS HIM AS LORD. 
If you ever have questions on what salvation is? Please e mail me at
Have a blessed day. 


Friday, June 14, 2024

We are here in Orlando.

It took us about hour and half to get here. My baby was asked to come here and take a few classes. It is over seen by Rosen Collage. We didn't need to be here until the 11th. But we got here on Sunday afternoon. We are staying at Universal Dockside Inn and Suites. Plus, it's called Universal ENDLESS SUMMER resort. 

This is the view out our windows. 

We got unpacked and went down to the pool. 

The next morning, I went down to get a large ice coffee. This is Starbucks. I got a large plan with cream coffee. The cost was not to bad. $4.98. (I think) The only problem I have getting coffee here is, it's always so strong. But I was happy to get it. 

While here we went to Universal City Walk. this evening. There is a bus that runs to the two parks and this City Walk. I will be sharing more in the next couple of days. 
Today the 16th, we are in a town named, Walton County. We stayed at the Red Roof Inn here. Not sure what we will be doing today. But I know my baby wants to go to the beach area, just walking around and enjoying our vacation. 
I really hope and pray that each and every DAD has a fantastic FATHERS DAY. 
Plus, Please if you have not seen him or been around him lately. 
I know if I could send today with my dad, I would do whatever I could to DO IT. 
The sad part is, he passed away Sept 11th, 2002. 
Please don't take life causally. Spend time with your family and enjoy this day. 


Okay still moving forward, this is June 10th Universal Volcano Bay.

As I am getting older this is more my style. Relaxing and enjoyable. We went down this Lasy River two different times. I think each time was...