Saturday, November 01, 2008

Hello all,

Tonight we had our Single's night out. Had a chance to go out and have some GREAT food. We went to this place Carmines' NYC. Hey this place rocks for food. At first I was not to sure about going out to this place. The reason is, price. But if you go make sure you have around 4 or more people. The reason is, their plates are BIG and you share with others at your table. Tonight was the biggest group of Singles I have ever seen here from Calvary Bible. I was so glad Veda talked me into doing this. She really is a good planer and a very good hostest. She did our ordering and I walk away full and very happy to be able to eat such GOOD FOOD. The night cost each of us $28.00. It really was worth it and just the fellowship too. I am so glad to be part of a group like this and I look forward each time we meet to see what God is doing in our lives. The reason I say that is, we ask people to share and He Is SOOOOOOOOOO GOOD TO ALL OF US.
I hope you enjoy the pictures below. I am sorry but I brought the cheap camera and you can just see them. I wish the picture came out better. Next time I will bring the good camera. I would love to see more people come out when we meet. So please call me or e mail me so I can give you the dates we are meeting.
My e mail address is
Cell phone here is 431-5751.

Hello again, going to talk about the old shed in back.

When I started this project, I really was just thinking of running 12 wires to the back and hooking it up and let it alone. But as I have a ...