Monday, March 12, 2018

This really came out looking good.

I think this is Friday morning, I know we finished th ceiling on Thursday night. So let us see what happens with the walls now 

Mean while we had to go back to Home Depot and get one more paneling. This way it is all one piece. Plus needed a couple more pieces of molding. 

Yes we finished this up on Friday afternoon. It really was evening time. It all came out looking nice and she loved it. 

This is one of her great grand children. Sorry she told me his name. Hey after we some what cleaned up. We all went to Panda Express for dinner. We sat down and had a wonderful meal . Just just talked about the next project she wants done. It should be a piece of cake compared to these two projects. 
So I got another meal to go and we piled back into her car and got back to her home. I was packed up and really to ride on home myself. I was tired and ready to relax this week-end. 
\Got home late around 7 pm and just crashed. 
The next morning I need to be in Boco Raton, Florida. 
So folks this is last week-end. I will explain more tomorrow. I have been sick ever since last week-end. FLU I guess. Still not 100%.

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Okay still moving forward, this is June 10th Universal Volcano Bay.

As I am getting older this is more my style. Relaxing and enjoyable. We went down this Lasy River two different times. I think each time was...