Monday, July 11, 2022

As we were in Sarasota, Florida. June 20th to the 25th.

As my wife, Jeanne loves to check out what is going on in the area we we be at. She found that there is a big Van Gogh Exhibition. So she looked up all the details  and found out it is across the street where we are staying, during  our time here. So one evening we drove over here and checked it out. 
Now there is many pictures and I have to do this blog in two parts. The reason is I need to get to work in a little while. 
It was a little costly, $50.00 EACH. that correct, Mr. Cheapskate is OKAY. 

We walked in and all saw was these post or signs hanging form the ceiling. NOT IN PRESS AT ALL. 
Folks I am not a man that likes to read a lot, except when it comes to The Bible. So we walked thur this maze. 

I would say there was over thirty or these poster hanging form the ceiling. No real happy YET. 
So started walking into this hallway and WOW. 

Now it me say, this is only the beginning. 

We walked into this large room and now this is a BIG WOW. I will not have much to say I will let the pictures tell the story. 

Was that NEAT. It was INCREDIBLE. I still have more to share, in the next couple of days. 
I really hope you have enjoyed this journey with us? 
Like I said it was worth the $50.00 +. 


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Hello everyone, well, I am moving forward on here. This are from June 15th to the 16th.

I think this is Rosemary Beach area. This is Saturday and they are having a farmer's market plus. So. we walked around and just looked a...