Sunday, May 11, 2008

Hey it is Mother's Day. Happy to all.

Well Friday was a end of another Patmos #3, The picture you see above is all the students that made it. We started out with 13 we ended with 11. That is okay, it is all about Him. That is called His timing. I did wish all could have made it, but there are things in our lives we just don't want to give up. That is what happens when we are being rebelest. I am so happy to see how God used and made some what more whole, than when they got here. The 4 months seem very long, at first but as the time just flew by. You look back and see God's hand and work in each of these students. I will miss each one, but I will miss a few a little more. I thank our Lord for letting me be part of these kids lives. I am looking forward in seeing the next group come in. (maybe) No I just joking. This next group I really pray and hope they are ready for the war that is before them. Please if you think about these students, I ask for prayer for each one and I know God is getting them ready.
This is a side bar, I know I could do more with the students but when the day is done I am tried and I just want to go back to my apartment and rest. That is my selfest. I hope and pray that this next bunch of students, I will get more focus on them. Not the work and the things that are around me. I had a nice talk with one of my roommates, Jayson, we were talking about how these students need men to look up at and see God in their lives. I know I could do more and I will try to next term.

Hello again, going to talk about the old shed in back.

When I started this project, I really was just thinking of running 12 wires to the back and hooking it up and let it alone. But as I have a ...