Sunday, September 09, 2012

We have a new pet, Jessica baby racoon

Yes a couple of weeks ago, one of our neighbor's Mr Sanders. He caught this baby raccoon and he started to raise her. Sean asked if he wanted to give her to us at the ALC? He came over the next day and said here you go. Friday I thought it would be nice to start having her run a little around our camp. What could she get into? BIG mistake, she love to climb trees I found out. I knew that BUT. Then after she gets up there, she doesn't want to come down. Well I went on line and asked the questions, can a raccoon get stuck up in a tree?
They told me NO. They can climb and climb and then come down with no problem. So Friday night I left her a lone up in the tree. I did try a couple of times to talk her down. I even got the big latter up. I climbed up and tried to talk her down. It just was not going to happen. I asked our Lord what should I do? The reason is she really looked sarced up there. Next morning I got up and asked the Lord again what should I do? Then I thought about using a garden hose to spray above her and this way she would be pushed down. It worked and she is safe again. Thank you LORD. Later Saturday I thought she would have learned her lesson. I let her go and she went straight for the trees again. I just picked her up and said no way.
Last night Kevin and I went to the pet store, Kelly's. Bought her a nice harness. She was not to happy about it. But this morning it seems she is okay now.
I have done some more checking about if they made good pets. When they are young yes. But not down the road. I can only try to see what happens. So far she does have a nice bite, but really only hurts a couple of minutes.
By the end of the week-end we will see what happens. RABIES I am very much aware of too.

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Hello again, going to talk about the old shed in back.

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