Saturday, September 29, 2012

Yes it is I.

I am so sorry for not writing sooner. If you go back a couple of weeks. You can see I have been sick. I am still sick. I have something still in my system that will not leave. You know food posioning. I have been like this since Sept 8 or so.
I have been to the doctor. He gave m a couple of things to do and take. Didn't help. So I have been going to the South beach Clinic which is around the corner from my place. I have been there they have given me a IV plus a shot of something. I felt better for a couple for days. That was when Ryan was here to paint the floor in the bath room.
Now Patmos is here to help us out. They have taken down part of the old Goat/Sheep fencing. Today, they have gotten the new fencing up. I know they wanted to do all of it. But now the John Deere is not working right. The chain came off the agger. I put it back on this morning, but it came off again. It needs a new bearings. So they did what they could do.
The girls have been painting the Dinnering Hall at the Camp. They primed it and now it is looking brand new again. Plus the guys and girls primed the inside of the Bath House too. Now they are painting the walls again. They just came up and asked me for more paint. Sorry that was all I had. Today the stores close early 12 noon. So that will not get done. But like I said I thank them still for doing what they have done.
I wish I could have done stuff with them. But the old body is not coming back as fast as it use to.
Please if you think of me, say a prayer or two. I have not been on the computer for a while too. So if you have written to me. I am sorry for not answering you sooner. I will go around tomorrow and take pictures so you all can see what a great job these students did for us and FOR ME TOO. It really was a nice idea to come over here and stay here and help us out with all that has been going on. I am very blessed. Please say a prayer or two for these students, remember they are going through PATMOS STILL and they need prayer BIG TIME. They are working with Pastor Chet and his crew. So I just can image what they have in store when they get back to the states.

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Hello again, going to talk about the old shed in back.

When I started this project, I really was just thinking of running 12 wires to the back and hooking it up and let it alone. But as I have a ...