Saturday, March 04, 2017

Another day at the Jetty in Fort Pierce.

This gentleman was painting and selling some of his work, down at the Jetty.

This guy caught a Moray eel. I remember watching them down at Atlantis on Paradise Island in Nassau, Bahamas. They sure look like they can do some damage on finger. I was kinda a neat to see how he caught him. If you look closely, see the hook was not in his mouth. It was like wrapped around it. So he was freed in a minute or two. 

Seeing all these boats in the same area. The only one catching fish was the red boat. They brought in ad least three large snooks. 

This is the same guy that catch the moray eel. But no bait. 

This a baby shark. He was so cute. 
Hey what a life coming down the Jetty, fishing or just walking around. It really is a beautiful way to enjoy life.  

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