Tuesday, May 23, 2017

My buddy and his son from the Bahamas, stopped by Winter Gardens, (Orlando area)

That is correct, Tim and his son Shadow came to the states again. Shadow is still playing soccer. As I wrote about him about two months ago. Tim and his son live in Nassau, Bahamas. Shadow is part of a inter national soccer team. So as they had a chance to fly over here and stay in Winter Gardens. I drove on over to have a visit. Short ride, 2 hours.Well as the last game started Shadow was the goalie (he is in orange/green)  during the whole game. He really did well blocking many shots. Plus he worked well with the team itself. 

This is Shadow's coach. Mike (I think) he really has helped this team become one and over all they walked away with their heads high and knowing they did their best. 
I am very proud to say they are from Nassau and I saw a lot of good foot work and team playing. 
Well as this was their last game. Tim and his mom said their good byes to Shadow. The team flew out on Sunday night. But Tim and mom are staying at his sister home in Winter Haven until Wednesday (I think) 
Mean while Tim and his mom stayed at another place on Saturday night. The Wyndham in Walt Disney in Orlando. As we were sitting down having lunch, Tim asked if we would like to stay a night at the hotel, they stayed at on Saturday night? I said sure. Tim called the other Tim and his wife Debbie to see if it would work with them? They said sure, come on over. 
I will share pictures of that time tomorrow. 

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