Saturday, May 13, 2017

This is or new Motor Vehicle Department.

I wrote about this place a while back. Then it looked like a motor vehicle office. But now this place looks like a bank. Which is a lot more personal, I think. Before they had counter and glass (I think) between you and them. This way you really feel like a more friendly atmosphere. 
Roy is going to have a birthday next month so he thought why not get the tags taken care of before they leave for the north. So last week we went up there and got it all taken care . 
Hey talking about the motor vehicle department, last night I had dinner with Janice. she was telling me about her dad, went down last week and got his driver license up dated. He is turning 99 to this week-end. He had to take a driving test. Janice told me he went out and came back in 20 minutes and he PASSED. The neat thing is, Janice was telling me that he pretty much just drive over to the library and store, which is only 2 miles away from his home. 

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Hello everyone, well, I am moving forward on here. This are from June 15th to the 16th.

I think this is Rosemary Beach area. This is Saturday and they are having a farmer's market plus. So. we walked around and just looked a...