Sunday, May 28, 2017

My cuz Debbie and her hubby Jon, new home.

You can see that the sign behind them tells me who is who. 
Hey these two have been living in a park model motor home, for many years. That means there living space was very very, small. But as our other cousin has bought a larger home in this area. They have been debating if they should expanse their living space? So they bit the bullet and they are very very happy they did. 

This is most of my family. As we are all aging and getting up there. It sure good to know we still are together. 

As our day was winding down we all decided to stop at Golden Corral for lunch. Hey how do you do wrong with that, 
Well these are my cousins. Joyce, Mark and Debbie. They are brother and sisters, 

These two guys are Greg (cousin) Jon, Debbie's hubby. And you all ready know that is Joyce on the end. 

I am very blessed to be able to call these folks my family and enjoy their company too. As we were about to split, asked a young lady standing at the door way to take a couple of pictures. 
I love these guys and gals very much. 
I hope my dad is looking down from heaven and saying. This is what we use to do on Memorial Week-end when we lived in Webster, New York. 
Every Memorial week-end, Sunday we would get together and have a family Reunion. That would start out our summers. Then on the 4th of Judy and last day of summer, (Labor Day) we would all meet at Greg's dad's (Uncle Wally)  home in Tonawanda,New York. 
I pray you all have wonderful memories of your family and lives on this week-end. 

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Hello everyone, well, I am moving forward on here. This are from June 15th to the 16th.

I think this is Rosemary Beach area. This is Saturday and they are having a farmer's market plus. So. we walked around and just looked a...