Saturday, March 02, 2019

Well I need to buy another vehicle.

This is the 2019 Ford Ranger 
The tag on this was $36,0000.00 
Maybe NOT. 

Then let me see what this 2019 Mustang cost? $44,145.00

It is sure pretty one too. What should I do???? 
Well let us go see Mark at Vero Visa Auto Repair. Maybe I should just go see what he may have?

It is in good shape. Maybe take it for a drive? 

Interior is looking pretty good too. 

My 2003 had 248,000 miles on her. This one is a little better. 
Oh if you didn't see My 2003 Ranger the transmission and motor are pretty much shoot.
 Mark will give me $300.00  for the parts. If I buy this one? 
Hey Roy asked if the tires on my old truck will fit this one? Mark say they should. 
Now comes the hard part, how much? It is a 1998 Ford Ranger. 
Mark told me that he was selling this for a friend of his. So the price is $3,000. He will not take any thing less for it. I guess the story goes that Mark (owner) bought this a while back for his daughter and spent why to much on it then. Plus since she doesn't want it any more, He can sit on this all day long with out worrying about selling it. 
Okay take out a mortgage on The 2019 Ranger?($36,000.00)  Or maybe the 2019 Mustang? ($44,145.00) 
What should I do???? 
Okay I will pay cash for the 1998 Ford Ranger and live with it. 
I had Mark take 2003 tires off and put them in 1998. 
But now he will only give me $100.00 for the 2003. Oh well the junk yards are only giving $200.00 any way. 
Hey I am making light about buying a truck. Folks if you know me I would never take a loan out for such a crazy price. 
Back in 1978 we bought a house for $33.400.00 My payments were $350. That was for the insurance and what ever else was added back then. I know the interest rate was 11.5% Just looking back that was even kinda of crazy to buy that, two bedroom one bath the size was around 600 square feet. 
I made the correct choice an I love her. 
I brought her back home and cleaned her up and we will see what happens. 
It is funny how we say I need a car or truck. Then say maybe God wants me to have a new one? 
Or maybe not? Hey I just need to get form A to B. Prayerfully she will last a while. 
I know He is the One that provides and that is my final answer.

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