Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Well yesterday morning on our way to the airport, (Orlando)

While driving north, along 95. I saw this glow in the sky. I was thinking maybe a fire? 

So yesterday morning Roy and I drove Richie, his brother to the airport. As we got closer, it sure was one. 

Not sure why the pictures didn't come out good? But this is a fire along 95 heading east. Very close to the exit we were getting off of. (#520) We did see fire trucks and police sitting along the road, right next to the fire. Roy and his brother Richie were telling me this is a swamp area. There is no way they can get to the fire. 

After we dropped Richie off we are heading home again. Meanwhile 95 is closed heading south. So we took the long way home. But it was very nice ride. We just drove to US 1 and headed south. 

That is the sun in the smoke you are looking at. 

I noticed this landscaping place on the right hand side. There is a large green iguana. Then behind him is a dinosaur. It really looks like a neat place to just walk around and look at their displays. 

The traffic was backing up on US 1. So Roy decided to take A1A. home. It was a little longer ride, but enjoyable. Just seeing the beaches and the beautiful home on the way. 
Overall Richie made to Montana. Richie will be staying out there for a couple of months. His has two daughter that live out that way. 
Got home and changed the oil/filter on the Ranger. Then hand waxed it. 

I did polish it last night around 4 pm. But as I got out to take a picture, it rained hard last night and there are water spots. So I didn't want waste the film on another picture? Just joking, 
I really pray you are enjoying your Summer and all that is around you. Go out and take a walk, look up and see the beautiful sky and just enjoy what He has given you. Praise HIM.  

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