Monday, September 01, 2008

Hello all my friends out there.

If you have not seen the weather report lately? We have a hurricane coming to visit us here in the Bahamas. Her name is Hannah, and right now she is packing winds of 75 to 85 mph. They have told us that she might stall out over us for a day or so. That is where the trouble will come. Our island floods so easy now. Just with raining only, you can get flooded out of your home. The pictures from last year, I cleaned out my files. I have some showing the flooding of streets here.Well today we started getting things picked up and nailed down. Tomorrow there will be a lot more to do. We just started a small part today. We were told yesterday it is only going to be a tropical storm and it should not head our way. BUT now she want to come and stay for a day or so. I really hope we have cleaned up our place, so she will be impress and not want to stay for any time. You know like a family member coming to visit, you are looking forward to it and then in three days you really wish they would leave. Please if anyone of my family reads this, that doesn't mean YOU.
All we can do now is ask for prayer for this place and everyone here. Most people are not to concern. I did go shopping yesterday and spent $98.37. On things like can goods and things that we can eat at anytime.

Okay still moving forward, this is June 10th Universal Volcano Bay.

As I am getting older this is more my style. Relaxing and enjoyable. We went down this Lasy River two different times. I think each time was...