Thursday, September 11, 2008

Today was 9/11?

I was sitting down watching the TV. it had a shot of World Trade Building. All it said was REMEMBER 9/11.
What really stuck me that is has been 7 year since that had happen. I can remember pretty much that whole day.
Please do remember.
USA people were talking today and saying it could not not happen again.???? I am not sure what world they were from, but I do believe it could happen again.
Please remember we do have a election coming up in Nov. That means the man in charge is going to be the one calling the shots, if it happens again. Look at their track records and see who would be the best.
I can tell you this Bahamas WANTS Obama.

We are here in Orlando.

It took us about hour and half to get here. My baby was asked to come here and take a few classes. It is over seen by Rosen Collage. We didn...