Friday, September 05, 2008

Hello all,

Yes we have made it through another storm. Hanna was just like a rain shower. Last night we lost power for 1 hour. Nothing was damaged, that I have seen. I just want to say thank you all for your prayers and encouraging words. Now if you look, there is a hurricane named Ike. He has move towards the south now. That is what I see by the tracking charts. Plus he is now a Cat 3. I will be listening to the report today to see what the news people have to say about it.
I am still on planing to be in Fort Lauderdale, Fl. next week. That will be Friday Sept. 12 to the 22. My main reason for going over there is to raise funds so I can stay here. If there is anyone out there that would like to find out more about what I do here, PLEASE E MAIL ME. Folks I really do enjoy living here and doing all I do at the Adventure Learning Centre. If God has tugged at your heart and you want to help out. Just let me know and I would love to share with you, all that is going on here. Everyone out there, this next trip might be my last one ditch effort. The way it stands about my funds. I don't have any more to stay. This trip is for God to tell me yes or no. I will be going to some home Bible Studies during my time there. During this time I will share all that has happen and all that is going to happen here. I am asking for these group to come together and give up two coffees from Starbucks. That is right I am looking for $10.00 each person, each month for support. That way if there is ten (10) people. I will receive $100.00 a month for support. Folks if you don't know this the idea of a missionary to to depend on others to help you out. I can NOT make a pay check here. I am a foreign of this land. I have a NON work permit. That way I can stay here and help out only. I am really asking for some help.
Folks if you really remember me, I have always work for a living and this is hard for me to say. When you get older you don't want to depend on anyone. You have lived your life your way and that pretty much is it. So to ask for help, I don't like doing.
I would love to hear from you and let us see what He is going to do now.

Okay still moving forward, this is June 10th Universal Volcano Bay.

As I am getting older this is more my style. Relaxing and enjoyable. We went down this Lasy River two different times. I think each time was...