Monday, August 30, 2021

Moving slowly but moving forward.

Okay as I was cutting out the out on the wall to your right. I was leaning up against this wall. The sad part I didn't know it. So the next picture was damaged. 

So our custmor told me to get rit of this piece of wayne coating. Pull it off the wall. I was going to clean it up and put a coat of paint on it. Oh well, we pulled it off the wall and replaced it. Just think, just paint the wall and all is well. 

Got the electric switches in and they work too. 

The over head light is up and looking good too. 
Over all we have been trying to finish this up and it just seems like we need this and that. So we have been traveling back and forth to Home Depot and Butterfields. 
Okay as today is Aug 31st. We need to keep our Americans in Prayer that are still in Afghanistan. As I watch the news this morning. It is crazy that our troopers are pulled out of there today. WHY? 
Please keep them all in your prayers. 


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Okay still moving forward, this is June 10th Universal Volcano Bay.

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