Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Just giving you all a heads up.

On Tuesday the 12th of Nov. I will be flying back to Fort Lauderdale, Fl. This is another time for me to get away and get some shopping done. Plus I will be resting too. Have not made a up schedule as of yet. I hope by this week-end to.
I do know on Sunday the17th I will be driving up to Winter Haven, Fl. I have been told that some of my family will be getting together and sharing pictures. I am very excited to be part of this. It really has been a long time since we as a family have done anything together. The sad part is there is only a hand full left. All of our parents have passed away. So the cousins are the one's left. There has been some problem between us too. So duirng my time up there I really am hoping to solve some of the hurts that I might have caused. I know I can not go back and fix the hurts. But by coming together we will be able to see what is worng. I love my family very much, but sometimes I try to fix things on my own. You know how us men are? If it is broken, I am Mr. Fix It. That is what I do here at the Adventure Learning Centre, Naasau Bahamas. But I have found out, sometimes it is just a listening ear is all they want.
I will be gone from the 12th to the 25 of Nov. I should be able to do inter net and blogging while gone this time. I will keep you all in the loop.
I do need prayer for this time too. While gone I am looking to hear from God about all that is going on now. You know, is there something else He wants from me? I have been here at the ALC now over 8 years. I signed up for 6 months. I believe as it is today, I will be here until He calls me home. But I need some help. I know Bob and Faye will be here after Chrsitmas. But in the long run, I need someone to come along and be willing to do what is needed. Plus I would willing  to show and teach someone to do what I do. This last Summer was a rough one for me. But as I have breath I will do His will and my best.

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Okay still moving forward, this is June 10th Universal Volcano Bay.

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